關於安追 About Andre Lee, andretw, andreli, and andrelee
他是個不喜歡追隨著常規走的人, 大學時期發表了兩三篇小論文, 做了一些小專題和小外快。高中和大學時在演辯、自然科學、演講、網頁製作、運動等比賽都有不錯的表現。就是個不怎麼喜歡做習題、被當作個機器人一樣來拼速度解題。
總覺得讀數學系的人很怪, 卻莫名因為在大學指考中自然組的數學全國排名高達百分之九十幾, 於是進入了數學系展開他痛不欲生的大學生活。不過他好運地在大三下前順利修完所有必修學分開始亂修經濟系、資工系的課程。總之, 他是個興趣廣泛但學而無術的傢伙。
嚴格的父親是金融業高階主管, 希望他朝金融業發展卻常常被他拒絕, 他知道他自己對金融也很有興趣, 只是他最有興趣的還是在網路科技業。
他一直有個留學夢想出國唸書, 所以唸碩士時, 他努力在一個學期把必修學分修完後休學當兵去。2009年退伍後自己環遊歐洲想找尋自己的人生目標, 在台灣還沒有『壯遊』這個詞的時候, 他已經睡過歐洲火車站、經歷過各種人生真實的考驗。
三個月後他回到台灣, 在金融海嘯的陰影下也順利地進入了資策會和趨勢科技學習和工作。他崇尚『Hack Everything』的精神, 每當遇到工作中有些不順手、不方便的規則和習慣時, 即便處在組織龐大的外商公司中, 他仍能建立與分享一些額外獨立系統的建置, 並曾經將Startup Weekend的活動介紹與推廣到組織中。
相信而且堅持做對的事是他的執著。舉個例子, 當別人聽到他這個小工程師竟然曾經直接將idea推薦給他們跨國外商公司執行長時, 都表現出不可置信的表情, 但是對他來說, 他相信對的事就應該趕快去做。
他同樣喜歡寫一些小東西跟大家分享, 像是Chrome Extension、Android、facebook App等等, 運動也是他的熱愛, 曾經在大專盃拿過獎狀也是國家籃球裁判, 只可惜日前的生活作息讓他的肚子日漸明顯。
現在的他懷著創業夢, 想做一些讓大家生活更美好的東西, 他也曾經參加過創業活動拿到首獎, 他有很多故事可以說, 也歡迎你跟他好好聊聊, 反正他真的就是一個很愛亂衝又充滿狂熱的年輕人。
He loves to play sports and has won some prizes of some games before, travel with his friends or on his own not only in Taiwan but also in the whole Europe, America, and Asia. "Impossible is nothing" is his belief. He always tries his best to finish the tasks and helps his co-worker do the jobs better. Full of passion in everything, like a cat has lots of curiosity but never dying.
During his works, he had built many systems for organizations, such as continuous integration(Jenkins), version control(Git, SVN), auto-deplyment, etc. "Hack Everything" is one of his favorite qoutes. He executes things rather than just keeps thinking. His works also in the queue for applying the patents in the U.S..
He also has not only published some papers during his undergraduted life, but also luckily reached some great places in some web and science competitions.
- MS, Suspended, Computer Science of Information Engineering
- BS, Applied Mathematics
The paragraph above is not a full version or a translation of the Tranditional Chinese version, coming soon or later. :p
工作經歷 Working Experiences
- Director & Founder, plusdiff.com (May 2012 ~)
- Web Service Engineering, Comsumer, Trend Micro Inc.
(Feb, 2011 ~ Apr 30, 2012) - Cloud Node, TCloud Computing, Core-tech, Trend Micro Inc.
(Apr, 2010 ~ Feb, 2011) - III, Insititude for Information Industry.
(Sep, 2009 ~ Apr 2011) - Lots of part time jobs or projects.
(1999 ~ )
他會 Capabilities
- PHP 5 with CodeIgniter, Zend Framework
- JavaScript, Chrome Extension
- Java, Hadoop, Android
- Continuous Integration, Jenkins
- Version Control, Git, Perforce, SVN
- Linux Shell, Python, Perl
- MongoDB, MySQL, HBase
- National basketball referee
他用著下面這些平台過生活 Comfortable with
- Unix like platform, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Mac OS X.
- Windows, Windows 7 and 8, Windows Phone 7/7.5
- Android
產品 Products
- Booming Number 炸彈數字(終極密碼) Rank #5 on Google Play Store, 100,000+ downloaded in 1 month
- Drimmit, 2nd place of Startup Weekend Taipei, 2012 @Google, Taiwan
- Trend Micro Mobile Security
- Trend Micro Push Notification Service
- Single Sign-On, SafeSync
- MapReduce, Monitering modules of Elaster CAP
- HitCAPCHA, 1st place of Startup Weekend HsinChu, 2011
- E-Commerce stores, etc.
安追也會出現在 You can also find Andre at
- Twiiter
- Plurk