炸彈數字(終極密碼)是曾經在Google Play Store佔據第五名的應用程式
Booming Number got the Rank #5 on Google Play Store 



在不久前的五月初帶著父母親去了一趟越南的下龍灣度假, 在遊玩的途中接到了來自偉大Google的信件, 上面寫著:


Your Google Chrome item, "I don't Like!," did not comply with our policies
on [Deceptive Behavior] and was removed from the Google Chrome Web Store.

If you'd like to resubmit your item, please make the appropriate changes
to the item so that it complies with our policies, then republish it in
your developer dashboard.

*Please keep in mind that your republished item will not be immediately
published live in the store. The republished item will undergo a strict
compliance review, and as such there is no guaranteed timeframe on when
your item will be republished if it passes compliance.

Repeated or egregious violations in the store may result in your developer
account being banned from the store. This may also result in the
suspension of related Google services associated with your Google account.

If you have additional questions regarding this policy violation, please
reply to this email. Please note that you may not receive an immediate

Thanks for your cooperation.

Google Chrome Web Store team

信件的大意就是說, I Don't Like!這套擴充應用程式違反了開發者的條款, 所以被強迫下架了。


儘管在反覆看過開發者的使用條款及這封電子郵件後, 還是想不到I Don't Like!被下架的理由, 即便我重新上傳了一模一樣的檔案以及回信去詢問, 但是一樣, 偉大的Google是不會理睬我們這種小人物的, 近一個月後的今天, 依舊是沒有任何的回應與答覆。

於是, 我只能安慰自己可能I Don't Like!已經是樹大招風了, 然後他們那些外國人不懂大多是我們這些在看華文網站的瀏覽者才會出現的痛苦。所以, 我只能對近兩萬名的 I Don't Like! 使用者們說聲: 很感謝您們這一年來的支持, 但是很抱歉, 這套軟體可能無法再繼續開發下去了。

雖然偉大的Google把I Don't Like!下架了, 不過我先前仍然還有開發另外幾套Chrome Extension小作, 也請您繼續支持。

但是講了這麼多, 好像還是沒有講到這篇文章的重點, 我在兩個禮拜前無聊寫了一個大學作業等級的Android小程式, 也請您幫忙支持一下, 目前則是在開發另外一個小程式, 預計是希望下禮拜可以生出來, 有任何問題或建議同樣歡迎您在下方留言, 謝謝!

Booming Number 炸彈數字(終極密碼) v 1.3 


Update: Jun 1, 2012

感謝大家的支持, 目前 v 1.5版經過了兩個多禮拜沒任何部落格及朋友的宣傳, 這個小程式在最新熱門免費項目和熱門的排行分別已經到了: 35 和 21 的位置, 真的很感謝大家的支持, 謝謝!

TopNewFree_35 Trend_21    


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