
If you want to type faster the emotion icons for your chats on facebook, you should try this extension.

I'll try to add another functions next version, if you have any opinion, feel free to tell me.

Download: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mglfnfnmiagneobegaigaiebmakkgkbe?hl=en

If you like this extension or others I have made, you can make a donation by following button,


這是一個讓您可以在facebok聊天時可以快速查閱表情符號的擴充程式, 未來的新版可能會加入更多有趣的功能。

如果您有任何想法, 也歡迎您提供給我。

下載: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mglfnfnmiagneobegaigaiebmakkgkbe?hl=zh-TW 

如果您喜歡這個擴充程式或者其他我曾經製作過的程式, 您可以點選下列按鈕以您的實際行動來贊助軟體的開發,

How to use?

After you installed the extension, you will find a smiley icon next to the chat room of facebook. Then, enjoy your new facebook time!


安裝完成後, 登入facebook網站就會看見右下角有個笑臉圖案, 點選後即可看見各種表情圖案指令, 直接點選文字即可快速在facebook上使用您想使用的表情圖案了!

Great Thanks to my colleague, Lock Chou. He taught me the new things about HTML 5 for the latest change.

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