This is an extension for you to check the link you want to click in is safe or not. There's no a 100% safe way to protect your personal data in your computer, but you can use this extension - SafeLinks for checking them first for you by many famous international security corporations.


Just give a right-click on any webpage to check the current page or move to a link and give a right-click to check the link.

Download SafeLinks FREE from Chrome Web Store:

Attention: I will do my best to improve this extension - SafeLinks, but there's no a 100% safe way to protect you away from crackers or bad guys, you should keep that in mind and download this extension at your own risk.

If this extension has any improper or violates your copyrights, please reply this post, I will do the reaction for you as soon as possible.


如果您擔心按下的連結是釣魚網站或不安全的網站, 使用這個Chrome的擴充應用程式(Extension)可以請各大知名資訊安全公司先幫你做初步的檢查, 但是請注意, 這世界上沒有任何一種百分之百安全的防護裝置可以保護您的資料, 這個擴充程式只是替您做了第一層的防護, 在快樂上網的同時, 您也需要提高警覺, 切勿隨意點選不明網址。


只要在想檢查的連結上按滑鼠右鍵, 選擇Check this link(或是Check current page)就可以得到查詢的結果了!

從Chrome線上應用程式商店下載SafeLinks FREE:

注意: 我將竭盡所能改善這個擴充應用程式 - SafeLinks, 但是您必須知道沒有任何一個百分百可以保護您遠離駭客或其他惡意攻擊的方法, 您必須保持警戒並知道您下載使用這個擴充程式後仍然有被一些不可避免的風險存在。

 如果這個擴充應用程式侵犯到了任何您的智慧財產權, 請您回覆這篇文章(留悄悄話也行), 我將儘速回覆您。

v 0.1.5:
- Added Symantec.
- Added timeout icon.

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